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Here comes the thank you speech that goes until the music plays and I’m dragged off stage.

I could not have gotten here without all of my incredible teachers. Heres to you:​


  • Rick Cohen: Even after the Sunday nights when finishing 3 campaigns felt impossible I signed up for another quarter of your class. When my ideas were lost and needed help I always knew you could help see the big picture. Thank you for pushing each idea to be smarter, more human, or even more out-there and pushing us to pursue the best idea even if it meant killing our babies (For non-advertising people: babies are ideas we love, not real babies). I’lll see yah in the office!

  • GFR: You introduced us into the program and confirmed my decision to pursue advertising. And I was so grateful to have you as a teacher a second time this past quarter. You always supported my wacky ideas and helped to ground them and make it smarter. I was always excited to come to your classes and will miss your classes very much. 

  • Erryn and David Mattera: Some of my best work came out of your class and I still use your creative warm-ups. It was so much fun being in your class, especially loved the gifs!

  • Kevin Tosi: It was always a pleasure coming to your class each week. You were flexible with what we brought in and helped me with all my campaigns not just the ones from class which I needed and so appreciated. Especially helping Maddie and I after bringing in Five Guys for a 4th week.

  • Jake Reilly: You inspired me to use my creativity outside of advertising and helped me to highlight my strengths and skill sets. Your class was so refreshing during this 4th quarter of classes.

  • Alec Jankowski: You always brought the energy and you made this fast-paced class so fun. Firedrills was one of my favorite classes I’ve ever taken. Thank you for all your help with other campaigns as well, you always provided honest feedback and builds that sparked curiosity. 

  • Amanda Acevedo: Cohorts was always a breath of fresh air. It helped me reset and stay on track. I really loved the layouts practices and appreciated your continuous help and feedback! Truly you made the class so fun and made such a positive impact on me. 

  • Danny Hein: I loved video editing class. I never got formal exposure to these editing softwares before and I absolutely loved learning each one and you made it so easy to follow and learn. I am so excited to apply and build on these skills, and especially animation because it was just so cool.

  • Julie Beard: Branding class was such a great practice with brand redesigns. Thank you for all your guidance in the process especially when taking on a big ~conglomerate~ brand.

  • Bruce Fougere: Your user experience class helped me ground myself to find the real and human truths in an industry where you don’t always see real and honest work. Your lessons have continued to stick with me as constant reminders to understand the audience I’m speaking to. Your humor was a great bonus.

  • Kat Hale: Your thoughts were always incredibly thorough, true, and productive. You helped me see my integrated campaigns that needed help with social/digital platforms through a smarter lens.

  • Patric King: Your class was so cool and your knowledge of type was incredible. Attempting our own typeface was incredibly difficult, but so beneficial. I am in awe of the detail and thought that goes into creating a typeface and it continues to amaze me when looking for type to use.

  • Adam Jankowski: Design Fundamentals almost made me switch over to pursuing a career in design, and who knows its never too late! I’ve made many designs since then and I always keep your lessons in mind. I also loved doing physical art work each day as a creative practice outside the digital world. Thank you for inspiring me to paint and draw more on a daily basis.

  • Sarah Latz: You were the beacon of the school which guided us onto our ways that first quarter. You have made such a positive influence and you instilled confidence in myself to get through the next few quarters. And I finally made it, thank you!


There are too many of my fellow students to name. Everyone of you from all quarters are amazing and have made an impact on me. To anyone I’ve ever worked with you have taught me so much. I appreciate you and will always be a person to come for advice or as a cheerleader.


To my Ma and Pops for supporting me during this program not knowing what an Art Director is and especially after learning we don’t have grades like a typical school. After many late nights of explaining my campaigns I think they can they can identify insights + ideas at this point so my job is done.


To all my friends and family who have supported me while I’ve rambled on, over explained, or complained. And still being there for me when I couldn’t make it to one or more occasions.


Thank you all so much <3

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