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Get High And Try

How can Marmite launch Marmite Dynamite to Americans?


From corndogs to football, there’s a long list of things Brits don’t like about America.

Yet there is one thing they admire: our ability to get high. Legally.


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To kick it off, we're adding a disclaimer to the back of jars to intrigue Americans.
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We'll sell a tin box of goodies at dispensaries. Our Hot box will include dynamite chilli crisps, a limited edition smokeable jar with piece attached, and more!
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Also included in the Hot Box is our Chocolate Chilli edible.

Researchers have found that a combination of chili peppers and marijuana may reduce gut inflammation.


Which gives us even more of a reason to create a Marmite Dynamite Chili edible to sell at Dispensaries. 

We'll create a ghost restaurant on Uber Eats that offers munchies made with Marmite Dynamite chilli.
Finally, we'll host "Stoner" Movie nights in the park.
Ticket is free if you buy the marmite popcorn at the event. Tickets are $5.20 and the popcorn is $4.20.

CW  Elliana Levi & Thomas Van de Loo

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